Ueta Otouto ha Watashi noKarada wo Sakushu suru

Ueta Otouto ha Watashi noKarada wo Sakushu suru

Reading MANGA - Ueta Otouto ha Watashi noKarada wo Sakushu suru at ILOVEMANHWA, new chapters are updated with the fastest every minute to day

The Description Of Ueta Otouto ha Watashi noKarada wo Sakushu suru

Maho can’t believe what’s happening to her. Her brother’s fingers are sweetly stimulating her… Maho, Kaito, and Yamato have grown up together as siblings. The illusion of a happy family crumbles when Yamato tells Maho the “big secret” about both him and Kaito. Furthermore, Kaito also has own secret he’s been hiding from Maho. Maho is shocked, but she is determined to stick with them… Kaito can’t hide his desperate and longing feelings anymore as his hot breath and tongue trail her body. The sweet honey that flows from Maho’s body… There’s no stopping this taboo relationship.
Ueta Otouto wa, Watashi no Karada wo Sesshu suru / My Foster Brother Feeds from My Body / 飢えた弟は、ワタシの身体を摂取する

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